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Nominations overview

Key datesNominations | Shortlist and winners

Nominations are open

and will close on Friday 2 August 2024

Sign up for notifications

2024 Nominations

We would greatly appreciate your help in finding the companies and individuals you believe deserve recognition for outstanding success in their respective fields. Nominations should be made using our Award Force online platform, please use the button below to launch the nomination form.  

Nominate here 

If you wish, you may make multiple nominations for each award and a full list of eligible companies from which to nominate will be provided. You are encouraged to provide a brief reason for nomination along with relevant attachments and links for consideration by the voting panel. 

Any details you provide as part of the nomination process will be treated in accordance with our privacy policy.

2024 Shortlist and Winners

The Shortlist will be announced on Thursday 12 September 2024. Winners will be announced at the AIM Awards 2024 on Thursday 10 October 2024, subject to government guidelines.

2024 Key dates

The period under review for these Awards is 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2024.

w/c Monday 17 June 2024 – Nominations open

Friday 2 August 2024 – Nominations close

Wednesday 11 September 2024 – Voting Panel meeting

Thursday 12 September 2024 – Shortlist announced

Thursday 10 October 2024 – Winners announced at the AIM Awards 2024